Privacy Policy

Here’s the translation of the provided German text into English:

**Last updated on August 31, 2024**

This Privacy Policy for Tradewell GmbH (“we”, “us”, or “our”) describes how and why we collect, store, use, and/or share (“process”) your information when you use our services, such as when you:

– Visit our website at or any other of our websites that refer to this Privacy Policy;
– Interact with us in other ways, including during sales, marketing activities, or events.

**Questions or concerns?** Reading this Privacy Policy will help you understand your privacy rights and options. If you disagree with our policies and practices, please do not use our services.

**Summary of key points**

This summary provides you with the key points of our Privacy Policy. You can find more details on each of these topics by following the link provided after each key point or by using our table of contents below to find the section you are looking for.

**What personal information do we process?** When you visit, use, or navigate our services, we may process personal information depending on how you interact with us and the services, the choices you make, and the products and features you use. Learn more about the personal information you disclose to us.

**Do we process sensitive personal information?** We may process sensitive personal information when necessary with your consent or as otherwise permitted by applicable law. Learn more about the sensitive information we process.

**Do we collect information from third parties?** We do not collect information from third parties.

**How do we process your information?** We process your information to provide, improve, and manage our services, to communicate with you, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with legal requirements. We may also process your information for other purposes with your consent. We process your information only when we have a valid legal reason to do so. Learn more about how we process your information.

**In what situations and with which parties do we share personal information?** We may share information in specific situations and with certain third parties. Learn more about when and with whom we share your personal information.

**How do we keep your information safe?** We have implemented organizational and technical processes and procedures to protect your personal information. However, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties will not be able to breach our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Learn more about how we keep your information safe.

**What are your rights?** Depending on your geographic location, applicable data protection laws may grant you certain rights regarding your personal information. Learn more about your privacy rights.

**How can you exercise your rights?** The easiest way to exercise your rights is to submit a data request or contact us. We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

**Want to learn more about what we do with the information we collect?** Review the full Privacy Policy.

**Table of Contents**

1. What information do we collect?
2. How do we process your information?
3. What legal bases do we rely on to process your personal information?
4. When and with whom do we share your personal information?
5. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?
6. How long do we keep your information?
7. How do we keep your information safe?
8. Do we collect information from minors?
9. What are your privacy rights?
10. Controls for do-not-track features
11. Do we make updates to this notice?
12. How can you contact us about this notice?
13. How can you review, update, or delete the data we collect from you?

**What information do we collect?**

1. **Personal information you disclose to us.** We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register for the services, express an interest in obtaining information about us or our products and services, participate in activities on the services, or otherwise contact us.

**How do we process your information?**

In short: We process your information to provide, improve, and manage our services, communicate with you, ensure security and fraud prevention, and comply with legal obligations. We may also process your information for other purposes with your consent.

**What legal bases do we rely on to process your personal information?**

In short: We only process your personal information when we believe it is necessary and we have a valid legal reason to do so (i.e., a legal basis under applicable law), such as with your consent, to comply with laws, to provide you with services to fulfill our contractual obligations, to protect your rights, or to fulfill our legitimate business interests.

**When and with whom do we share your personal information?**

In short: We may share information in specific situations and/or with the following third parties.

– **Business transfers:** We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
– **Business partners:** We may share your information with our business partners to offer you certain products, services, or promotions.

**Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?**

In short: We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store your information.

**How long do we keep your information?**

In short: We keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless otherwise required by law.

**How do we keep your information safe?**

In short: We protect your personal information through a system of organizational and technical security measures.

**Do we collect information from minors?**

In short: We do not knowingly collect data from or market to children under 18 years of age.

**What are your privacy rights?**

In short: In some regions, such as the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), and Switzerland, you have rights that allow you greater access to and control over your personal information.

**Controls for do-not-track features**

Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems and mobile applications include a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected.

**Do we make updates to this notice?**

In short: Yes, we will update this notice as necessary to stay compliant with relevant laws.

**How can you contact us about this notice?**

If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may email us at [email protected] or by post to:

Tradewell GmbH
Kanzleistraße 1, 95444 Bayreuth

**How can you review, update, or delete the data we collect from you?**

Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may have the right to request access to the personal data we collect from you, change that information, or delete it. To request to review, update, or delete your personal data, please visit:

As part of this contractual relationship, personal data collected during the application process for this business relationship will be transmitted to CRIF GmbH, Leopoldstraße 244, 80807 Munich. The legal bases for this transmission are Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter b and letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The data exchange with CRIF GmbH also serves to fulfill legal obligations to conduct creditworthiness checks (§§ 505a and 506 of the German Civil Code). CRIF GmbH processes the data received and uses it to create profiles (scoring), to provide their contractual partners in the European Economic Area and Switzerland, and possibly other countries with information, among other things, to assess the creditworthiness of individuals. The transmission of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission. Further information on the activities of CRIF GmbH can be found in their information sheet or viewed online at

This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 31, 2024.